Well, no one can say that 2012 hasn't been eventful. It has been a year of ups and downs for me. On the plus side I was able to get my first book out. On the negative I lost my mom and my job within weeks of each other.
At present I am back to work, in more ways than one. I am working at a factory that cans tomatoes. It is extremely busy this time of year,and I am working seven days a week on third shift. The frost we had this weekend means that things will slow down a bit.
I am re-recording the podiobook. The first recording was of the second draft and not of the finished product. I decided to aim higher instead of releasing a sub standard version. My goal is to release the free podiobook at the same time I release the second ebook and to do some cross promotion.
The first drafts of the second and third books in the arcana series are each over half done. I will be rotating writing and recording until done.
One more note. I need and editor, badly. If anyone out there has editing skills I am willing to pay to have my final drafts gone through.
I'm pilot. I fly. I'll give you a hand if you want. Free of charge. If you didn't get it I was quoting independence day.